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Seamlessly create a wholesale and consumer storefront in minutes, manage product inventory, process international orders and payments, and get paid quickly to your local bank account
Save up to 70% off on international shipping to and from 220+ countries and territories, enabling you to ship everything for your business from orders to production materials
Discover vetted freelance talent and manufacturers, experience monthly community events, connect with our brand community, and access exclusive educational resources and mentors
A global community with global ambitions
The one-stop-shop trusted by 700+ entrepreneurs across Africa, South America, North America, Europe, and Asia to start, manage, and scale their e-commerce business
Commerce Solutions
Technology to manage your global wholesale and consumer business online, while saving you money and time, and enabling international customers to shop easier
Create a wholesale storefront in 30 minutes to streamline your wholesale business. Set your own payment terms and order minimums, receive orders, process global payments, and auto debit balances. Plus generate industry standard line sheets in 60 seconds.
Launch products on The Folklore Shop to give your international customers the opportunity to order from you with free or low cost shipping. Automatically generate discounted shipping labels and drop ship the items from your location straight to the customer.
Manage all your products and orders in one place. Easily bulk upload products and manage inventory availability across both your wholesale and consumer storefronts. Keep track of the fulfillment and payment status of all orders.
Shipping Solutions
Save up to 70% on all your business shipping needs with our discounted shipping rates, enabling you to ship to and from over 220 countries and territories with 3-5 day arrival
Ship global consumer or wholesale orders made on or off the platform and enable your customers to get cheap and fast international delivery. Whether you're shipping from Africa to the United States, or South America to Europe, we've got the savings.
Transport your materials and other business necessities from your suppliers or partners quickly and efficiently. Whether large pallets or small goods, international shipping is made cheaper with us.
Seamlessly schedule a courier to collect your international shipment from your front door. Receive support from our team for any customs or delivery issues to ensure quick resolutions.
Member Benefits
Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but it doesn't have to be with access to our community and education benefits that help you launch, manage, or scale your brand and network globally
Source & hire vetted freelance talent and manufacturers through our sourcing marketplace. Filter to find talent by category, location and price, and easily view their portfolio and request a quote. Create project scopes, communicate, and submit payments through the platform.
Gain access to our members only WhatsApp group and our member discovery portal to discover and message other brands from around the world. Attend our monthly in person and digital events to grow your community and find collaborators.
Enjoy exclusive members-only webinars and workshops led by industry experts. Book monthly 1-on-1 mentorship hours with global talent to boost your knowledge and browse through our exclusive content center for business guides, articles, and videos.
The Folklore Edit
The latest industry news, member interviews, and business analysis